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Keenan Recycling reveals UK businesses are missing out on £1,000s of savings in food waste recycling

Keenan Recycling is revealing new findings from its recent country-wide research, that on average, UK businesses are spending £50,862 every year on sending their food waste to landfill, but recycling food waste could save them £7,000 per year.

As the Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) Environmental Act is fast approaching, which plans to make it a legal requirement in England for companies to recycle food waste, the study conducted by Keenan, also revealed that 99%* of businesses in the UK either don’t know about the legislation or if they do, have little or no understanding of it.

On top of this, one third (38%) of UK businesses do not think food waste is a core priority, and over a quarter (27%) said that they do not recycle food waste at all.

However, although businesses said that they are unprepared and uneducated for the legislation, 62% did say that they were working to gain an understanding of it and 58% said that they were concerned about the carbon emissions sending food waste to landfill produces.

To help UK businesses get an understanding of what food recycling is, what the pending legislation means and how they can save their organisation thousands of pounds, Keenan has produced a ‘Food Waste Recycling 101’ report.

For all insights, the full report can be downloaded by clicking here.